2014-09-11 00:51:34 +0000
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = $('body').height() - 3;
var halfWidth = width / 2;
var halfHeight = height / 2;

function drawerSketch(processing) {
  // set size
  processing.size(width, height);

  processing.setup = function() {


processing.draw = function() {
  processing.line(halfWidth, 0, halfWidth, height);

  if (processing.mouseX < halfWidth) {
    var mapped_mouseX = processing.map(processing.mouseX, halfWidth, 0, halfWidth, width);
    var mapped_pmouseX = processing.map(processing.pmouseX, halfWidth, 0, halfWidth, width);
    processing.line(processing.pmouseX, processing.pmouseY, processing.mouseX, processing.mouseY);
    processing.line(mapped_pmouseX, processing.pmouseY, mapped_mouseX, processing.mouseY);

processing.keyPressed = function() {

processing.mousePressed = function() {


processing.mouseReleased = function() {


// attach the sketch function to the canvas
var processingInstance = new Processing(document.getElementById('sketch'), drawerSketch);